Jumat, 20 April 2012

King Arthur

                King Arthur was the son of Pendragon and was born in Tintagel in Cornwall. He was brought up by Merlin, an old Celtic magician, and became king of Britain when he was fifteen. He proved his right to be king when he managed to pull a sword from a rock. He had to fight many Lords and when, with Merlin's help, he defeated them, he received the magic sword Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake.
                He married Guinevere and lived in a castle at Camelot. His knights sat at a round table so that they were all equal-nobody was sitting at head of the table. Some of the knights are Lancelot, Perceval, Gawain ,and Galahad. They spent their time hunting wild pigs, having feasts, and singing ballads. They often had to kill dragon and giants. At all time, they behaved very correctly, with respect, honour, and compassion.
                Arthur went to Rome to fight the emperor, Lucius, and he left his kingdom in the hand of his nephew, Mordred. As he was entering Rome, Arthur learned that Mordred had taken control of the kingdom and had captured Guinevere. He came back to England and defeated his nephew. Unfortunately, he was seriously wounded in the battle. Arthur asked Sir Belvedere, the last surviving knight, to throw Excalibur into the water of lake. He did this and the sword was caught by a hand which came out of the water and then took the sword below the surface.
               Arthur then was taken to the Isle of Avalon to get better. People believe that he does not die but lives on and will return when his country needs him. On his tomb is written
                                                  HIC IACET ARTURUS,
                                                      REX QUONDAM
                                                   REXQUE FUTURUS
                        ( HERE LIES ARTHUR, THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING ) 

Senin, 16 April 2012

Tentang Manajemen

Manajemen adalah mendapatkan sesuatu hal yang dilakukan melalui orang lain.
Ilmu Manajemen : Ilmu yang mempelajari bagaimana cara mencapai suatu tujuan dengan efektif dan efisien serta dengan menggunakan bantuan orang lain.
* Efektif : Kemampuan memilih metode yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan.
* Efisien : Kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan benar.

Manajemen adalah sebagai :
1. Ilmu : - Bersifat universal
             - Mempunyai kerangka yang sistematis
             - Mencakup kaidah-kaidah, prinsip-prinsip dan konsep yang cenderung benar
               dalam semua situasi
2. Seni : Dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan melalui orang lain.
3. Suata proses (Stoner) : Proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan
                                         pengawasan atas usaha dan penggunaan sumber daya
                                         organisasi agar mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan.

Aliran Ilmu Manajemen :
  1. Aliran Klasik 
  2. Aliran Perilaku
  3. Aliran Kwantitatif
Fungsi Manajemen :
   1. Planning (Perencanaan)
   2. Organizing ( Pengorganisasian)
   3. Directing ( Pengarahan)
   4. Coordinating (Pengkoordinasian)
   5. Controlling ( Pengendalian)

Manajemen disebut profesi karena memenuhi kriteria :
     a. Adanya pendidikan formal
     b. Mempunyai standar profesi
     c. Terorganisir dan mempunyai kode etik
Bidang-Bidang Manajemen :
A) Manajemen Produksi = Yang merencanakan dan mengatur pelaksanaan produksi
                                          guna mencapai tujuan organisasi.
B) Manajemen Pemasaran = Yang melakukan analisis, perencanaan, pelaksanaan,
                                             dan pengendalian program yang dirancang untuk
                                             menciptakan, menbentuk,dan mempertahankan
                                             pertukaran dalam rangka mencapai tujuan perusahaan.
C) Manajemen Keuangan = Merencanakan pengadaan dana dan penggunaannya
                                           untuk meningkatkan nilai perusahaan.
D) Manajemen Personalia =
     1. Penarikan pegawai (recruitment)
     2. Pelatihan dan pengembangan (training and development)
     3. Pemberian upah (compensation)
     4. Perencanaan dan pengembangan karier ( planning and carier development)

Untuk mecapai tujuan, diperlukan alat-alat adanya sarana (tools) yaitu, 6 M :
  1. Man (SDM)
  2. Money (uang)
  3. Materials (bahan)
  4. Machines (mesin)
  5. Methods (metode)
  6. Market (pasar)

Manajer adalah orang yang mempunyai tanggung jawab atas bawahannya dan sumberdaya organisasi lainnya.
*  Klasifikasi Manajer :
       1. Menurut tingkatannya.
       2. Menurut kegiatan organisasi yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya.
*  Tingkatan Manajer :
     1. Manajer lini pertama : bertugas memimpin dan mengawasi tenaga-tenaga
     2. Manajer menengah : bertugas membawahi dan mengarahkan kegiatan
                                         manajer-manajer lainnya.
     3. Manajer puncak : bertanggung jawab atas keseluruhan manajemen organisasi

Minggu, 15 April 2012

Change the words in parentheses into noun clauses

1. ( Should we wait for him?) I wonder whether we should wait for him
2. ( Did she borrow your dictionary?) I want to know if she borrows your dictionary
3. ( Does she need any help?) I wonder if she needs any help or not
4. ( Is he having trouble?)  if he is having trouble is not surprising me
5. ( Does it belong to Jake?) I want to know if it belong to Jake
6. ( Is there life on other planets?) I wonder whether there is life on other planets or not
7. ( Will people live on the moon someday?) I wonder if people will  live on the moon someday
8. ( Is this information correct?) Could you tell me whether is this information correct
9. ( That dictionary is good?) I wonder whether dictionary that is good
10. ( Those glasses are expensive?) I don't know if those glasses are expensive

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Technique of Teaching

         The silent way is one of the effective language teaching technique. It is a pedagogical approach to language teaching based on the premise that a teacher should be as silent as possible in a classroom ( about 90% of the time ). The learners, then are encouraged to produce as much language as possible. They have much time both to be exposed to language and to perform practice.
         The learning hypothesis behind the Silent way is that learning is facilitated if the learners discover or create rather than remember and repeat what is to be learned. Also, student learn more affectively through problem solving involving the target language. It view language learning as a creative, problem solving and discovering activity on which the learner is a principal actor rather than a bench-bound listener.
         Basically, in learning teacher prepare their student to have a problem-solving skill. And the silent way can be described as a problem-solving approach to language learning, and is summed up nicely in Benjamin Franklin's words: " Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
         I conclude that the silent way is an appropriate language teaching technique.

Kamis, 12 April 2012

Quoted Speech

Speaker's Exact Words
Boy : Tiara, what is our task?
Girl : Well, we must interview some foreigners in Prambanan Temple.
Boy : Should we interview a certain number of them?
Girl : Well, about two or three are enough.
Boy : Should we present the result orally or in written?
Girl  : Orally.
Boy : Okay. Thanks.

Quoting The Speaker's Words
Boy said, "Tiara, what is our task?"
Girl said, "Well, we mut interview some foreigners in Prambanan Temple."
Boy said, "Should we interview a certain number of them?"
Girl said, "Well, about two or three are enough."
Boy said, "Should we present the result orally or in written?"
Girl said, "Orally."
Boy said, "Okay. Thanks."

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Integrated Pest Management

         There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides are commonly used, but this may cause many problems. Combinig different management operations is teh most effetive way to control pests.
         Firstly, the chemicals in pesticides may build up as residues in the environment. This reduces the quality of farm products. Furthermore, pests can gradually become resistant pesticides. This means that newer and stronger ones have to be developed. Some pesticides affect non target animals such as fish and bees. This disturbs balance of nature. To wipe out agricultural pests completely may be very expensive. Sometimes pest damage costs less than the method of control.
          Finally, understanding the ecology of the area helps a lot in pest control. Natural enemies can be used to control a pest. Pesticides that do not affect the natural enemies should be chosen. Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more affective option in agriculture

Pengalaman Saat Sparing Futsal

Pada hari selasa 3 April 2012 saya dan teman-teman kelas 1EA12 akan sparing futsal dengan kelas 1EA13. Saat itu kami selesai kuliah jam 15:00 dan sparing futsalnya jam 16:00. Kami menuju lapangan futsal Arena 15:30 tempat dimana kami akan sparing futsal dengan 1EA13, kami bersiap-siap memakai sepatu, kostum, dan melakukan pemanasan untuk sparing futsal. Saat bermain, kami cukup menguasai permainan dan gol pertama di cetak oleh agung. Lalu di samakan oleh EA13 jadi skor sementara 1-1. Fahmi lalu masuk menggantikan andi, saat itu ada peluang dan fahmi mencetak gol kedua untuk EA12 skor 2-1. Saat itulah balas membalas gol terjadi sampai akhrinya kami 1EA12 memenangkan sparing futsal ini dengan skor 7-5. Yang mencetak gol bagi kemenangan 1EA12 yaitu Agung, Fahmi, Ardian, Josua, Andi, dan Saya sendiri. Itulah pengalama saya saat sparing futsal bersama teman-teman 1EA12..