Minggu, 29 Maret 2015


Two years ago exactly 2013 month of September I and friends EA03 held a holiday to pari island for 3 day 2 nights. After completion of the fasting month and Eid ul-Fitr, we are prepare everything for the holidays on the pari island. We set off Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 05.00 to muara angke to avoided congestion on the road. Arriving at the mouth of the muara angke, we waited the arrival pf a ship that will be our usher to the pari island. During the trip on the ship I enjoyed  the beauty of the sea there. Finally we reached the pari island and directed to home stay is already provided.
Our home stay at rest while waited for the luch provided there. I, Raz, Ryan, Darian and several female friends the streets using a bike that’s been provided to shore observation on the pari island. Because it’s already afternoon, we returned to home stay for the bath, rest and lazing. The evening we used bicycles to the beach, there we took picture and also sing along. At around 22.00, we were all back to home stay for a broke, because tomorrow morning we are gent to do snorkeling in the sea.
Morning 8 am we are gearing up to use equipment for snorkling see the beauty beneath the sea. We set off with a fishing boat, during the trip w took the moment to perpetuate. Arriving at your destination for snorking, we immediately jumped into the sea with snorkeling already we use. There we took picture along with the fish, once finished our snorkeling then went back to home stay for rest, bathe, and ate. Then in the evening we gathered on the beach to barbeque, dinner together, play beach volley ball and took picture. After that we went back to home stay because it was already late in the evening and tomorrow morning we will returned.


Today I awake up hour 04.45. Then pray Fajr, then watch sport news. Then I take a bath and get ready to head to campus follow the lecture. After I clean the machine heats up the motorcycle and set off. Upon arrival on campus I parked the motorcycle and headed to the classroom. Once I got to the classroom follow the teach and learn with friends. After the first completed subject connect again with the second course. The second course is the presentation of the group i.e group 1. Complete presentation of course both were completed and I wait time prayer Dzuhur. The complete of the prayers Dzuhur, me and friends headed to class to follow the teach and learn the third and forth course. After complete of all course today me and friends did a prayers Ashar, the returned to their respective home. Upon arrival at the house, I take a bath and change clothes. The at night Iam work on at task, then watch television and sleep.


(Kata Kerja Beraturan)

Infinitive         Past Tense           Past Participle              Arti
Adjust              Adjusted                Adjusted                      Menyetel
Adore              Adored                  Adored                        Memuja
Analyze            Analyzed               Analyzed                      Menganalisis
Answer            Answered              Answered                    Menjawab
Apologiz          Apologized            Apologized                    Meminta Maaf
Apply               Applied                Applied                         Menggunakan
Ask                 Asked                  Asked                             Menanyakan
Believe            Believed                 Believed                         Percaya
Block              Blocked                 Blocked                          Merintangi
Calculate         Calculated             Calculated                        Kalkulator
Call                 Called                    Called                             Menelpon
Celebrate        Celebrated              Celebrated                     Merayakan
Chat                Chatted                 Chatted                            Mengobrol
Cheat              Cheated                Cheated                            Menipu
Check             Checked               Checked                            Memeriksa
Claim               Claimed                 Claimed                           Menuntut
Climb              Climbed                 Climbed                            Memanjat
Close              Closed                   Closed                             Menutup
Confirm           Confirmed              Confirmed                       Menegaskan
Connect          Connected              Connected                       Menghubungkan
Cook              Cooked                  Cooked                           Memasak
Copy              Copied                    Copied                            Menyalin
Cry                 Cried                      Cried                                Menangis
Dance              Danced                  Danced                            Berdansa
Defend            Defended                Defende                           Mempertahankan
Delete             Deleted                   Deleted                            Menghapuskan
Deliver            Delifered                 Delifered                           Menyerahkan
Deposit           Deposited                Deposited                        Medepositokan
Describe         Described                Described                         Melukiskan
Design            Designed                  Designed                         Merencanakan
Discuss           Discussed                Discussed                         Merundingkan
Duplicate        Duplicated               Duplicated                        Menyalin
Empty             Emptied                  Emptied                             Mengosongkan
Enjoy              Enjoyed                   Enjoyed                             Menikmati
Estimate         Estimated                 Estimated                           Menaksirkan
Evaluate         Evaluated                 Evaluated                           Menilai
Export            Exported                  Exported                          Mengekspor
Face               Faced                      Faced                             Menghadapi
Filter              Filtered                    Filtered                            Menyaring
Formulate       Formulated              Formulated                        Merumuskan
Free                Freed                      Freed                               Membebaskan
Help               Helped                    Helped                             Membantu
Ignore            Ignored                    Ignored                             Mengabaikan
Imagine          Imagined                  Imagined                             Mengkhayalkan
Import            Imported                 Imported                            Mengimpor
Improve         Improved                Improved                             Memperbaiki
Invest             Invested                  Invested                              Menanam (modal)
Jump             Jumped                     Jumped                                Melompat
Kick              Kicked                     Kicked                                 Menyepak
Kill                Killed                       Killed                                 Membunuh
Kiss              Kissed                      Kissed                                Mencium
Knock           Knocked                  Knocked                            Mengetuk
Label              Labelled                  Labelled                              Memberi Etika
Launch           Launched                  Launched                           Meluncurkan
Legalize        Legalized                    Legalized                            Mengesahkan
Lift                Lifted                          Lifted                                Mengangkat
Limit              Limited                       Limited                              Membatasi
Listen            Listened                      Listened                             Mendengarkan
Localize         Localized                    Localized                           Melokalisasi
Lock             Locked                       Locked                               Melihat
Mail              Mailed                         Mailed                                Mengeposkan
Manage        Managed                     Managed                             Mengurus
Visit              Visited                         Visited                                 Mengunjungi
Vote             Voted                          Voted                                  Memberi Suara
Wait             Waited                          Waited                               Menunggu
Walk            Walked                        Walked                                Berjalan
Watch          Watched                      Watched                              Menonton
Wory            Worried                       Worried                                Mencemaskan
Zigzag           Zigzagged                   Zigzagged                              Berbelok-belok
Zoom          Zoomed                       Zoomed                                 Menanjak       

(Kata Kerja Tak Beraturan)

Infinitive             Preterite               Past Participle                  Arti
Be (am, are, is)    Was, Were                 Been                            Akan, Ada
Beat                     Beat                          Beaten                         Memukul
Become               Became                     Become                       Menjadi
Begin                   Began                        Begun                          Mulai
Blow                    Blew                        Blown                            Menghembus
Break                  Broke                        Broke                           Memecahkan
Bring                    Brought                     Brought                        Membawa
Build                    Built                           Built                             Membangun
Buy                     Bought                        Bought                         Membeli
Come                  Came                          Come                          Datang
Cut                      Cut                             Cut                              Memotong
Deal                     Dealt                         Dealt                             Membagi
Dig                       Dug                          Dug                                Menggali
Do                       Did                           Done                             Membuat
Draw                   Drew                         Drawn                            Menggambar
Dream                 Dreamt                      Dreamt                           Bermimpi
Drink                  Drank                        Drunk                             Minum
Drive                  Drove                        Driven                             Mengendarai
Eat                      Ate                           Eaten                               Makan
Fall                    Fell                             Fallen                               Jatuh
Feed                  Fed                            Fed                                  Memberi
Fight                  Fought                       Fought                              Berkelahi
Fly                     Flew                          Flown                              Terbang
Forecast            Forecast                     Forecast                          Meramalkan
Forget               Forgot                        Forgotten                        Melupakan
Freeze               Froze                         Frozen                             Membekukan
Get                   Got                             Gotten                              Memperoleh
Give                 Gave                            Given                              Memberi
Go                    Gent                            Gone                              Pergi
Grow                Grew                           Grown                            Tumbuh
Have                 Had                             Had                                 Mempunyai
Hear                 Heard                          Heard                              Mendengar
Know               Knew                          Known                            Mengetahui
Leave               Left                             Left                                  Meninggalkan
Lose                 Lost                             Lost                                 Kehilangan
Sing                  Sang                            Sung                                Menyanyi
Sit                    Sat                               Sut                                   Duduk
Sleep               Slept                            Slept                                 Tidur
Speak              Spoke                          Spoken                            Bebicara
Speed              Sped                            Sped                                Mempercepat
Stand                Stood                          Stood                               Berdiri
Strike               Struk                           Struck                               Mengenai
Swim               Swam                          Swum                                 Berenang
Take                Took                            Taken                                Mengambil
Teach               Taught                         Taught                                Mengajar
Tell                   Told                             Told                                    Menceritakan
Throw              Threw                          Thrown                              Melemparkan
Understand      Understood                 Understood                         Mengerti
Underwrite      Underwrote                 Underwritten                       Menanggung
Undo              Undid                          Undone                              Membatalkan
Wear              Wore                           Worn                                 Memakai
Win                Won                            Won                                  Memenangkan
Work             Worked                       Wrought                             Bekerja
Write             Wrote                          Written                                Menulis